Google day night screen
Google day night screen

This is useful in dimming the brightness to your likening. Using the brightness slider, you can adjust the brightness of your browser beyond what your computer's brightness adjuster allows. It was a challenging task due to the limitations of chrome, but we were able to eliminate this problem with 99.9% success rate. We have also put immense effort in eliminating the flashes of bright white screen while loading different websites.

google day night screen

Now, after this extension became popular, one another super famous extension have copied this feature of ours. An added benefit is that the images will also not be distorted! I think we were hit by the one-star-bot-ratings because we were the only extension to have this intelligent-algorithm. Unlike other similar extensions, we do NOT invert the colors, so black websites will not change its color into white.

google day night screen

Bright colors are darkened at more intensity than dark colors so that most of the colors are preserved. It basically detects the color of each element of a website and intelligently converts it to a darker shade. We use a unique algorithm to apply dark mode to all the websites in real-time as you browse. It is an extremely useful chrome extension for those who use internet especially at night.


It darkens all the websites you visit so that you can browse without straining your eyes Dark Night Mode is a Free Open Source Software which makes all the websites you browse into dark/night mode so that you can browse the internet without straining your eyes. It is a night mode for the entire Internet.

Google day night screen